830 S Ronald Reagan Blvd
Suite 192
Longwood, LF 32750
What does it mean to be born again?
When is one born of the Spirit? How does one become born of the Spirit?
What happens to those who are not born of the Spirit?
The FREE 20-page booklet "Born of the Spirit" presents the Bible’s answer to these questions.
Jesus told Nicodemus “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) Jesus went on to say that those born of the spirit can come and go like the wind. — John 3:8
When Jesus spoke of being born again, Jesus was speaking of heavenly things. (John 3:12) The Apostle Paul added that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. — 1 Cor. 15:5
God has promised to pour his spirit upon all flesh, not just Christians. (Joel 2:28) God promised through Ezekiel that He would put His spirit in the hearts of the Jewish people. (Ezek. 36:26-27; 37:14) Then Israel will become His people, He will become their God and they will walk in God’s statutes and keep His judgments. — Ezek. 36:27-28
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